Transforming spaces

Elevating lives

Discover the magic of blending trade expertise with biohacking and wellness knowledge to create a space that enhances your lifestyle.

What we do?

In our modern world fatigue, stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, weight issues, toxic overload are just some of the common health ailments rising at a rapid rate.

Now more than ever, our homes need to be a place where we rest and recharge, a safe place for ourselves and our families to thrive.

But there may be things in our home causing us harm, from light pollution interfering with our circadian rhythm to water pollutants and toxins entering our body when we drink, bathe and shower.

What if we could take out what was harming us in our home, then implement and amplify what makes us thrive?

That’s what I do! I’m Ben, The Wellness Tradie, here to make your home or workplace happy and healthy!

When addressing health issues, we need to work on the pillars and foundations first, and I believe our home is just that.

Our Transformative Home Services


    Filter out blue light in your home at nighttime to regulate the natural rhythm and cycles of your body, to enhance sleep quality, alleviate eye strain and reduce symptoms of migraines and headaches, and uphold overall well-being.

    Feel the difference of a calm evening and deeper quality sleep.


    Is your water tasting different, is it healthy?

    Many Australian households with unfiltered water poses a risk to you and your family through potentially harmful chemicals and bacteria’s. Through the use of the right water filtration system and our recommended water restructuring and hydrogen inducing devices, we can help remove these agents, supercharge your water and enhances the way your body uses it.


    Red Light therapy - the biggest secret to healthy skin, hair, recovery, sleep, energy and so much more.

    In today's world, our bodies often lack adequate illumination as we spend excessive time indoors under intense artificial lighting and staring at bright screens. One solution - 10-20 minutes in front of the red light panel 3-5 times per week.

Discover, Design, Transform.

Our simple 3 step process.

  1. DISCOVER - a face to face consultation with you in your home or building to discover your health ailments and building needs.

  2. DESIGN - we design which services you need to enhance the health and functionality of your space, optimising your well-being.

  3. TRANSFORM - you can experience for yourself the integration of wellness and trade expertise when your design is implemented in to your home.

Ready to Enhance Your Space?

Contact us to discuss how we can transform your home or building and enhance your lifestyle!