As daylight fades and the day transitions into night, the body's natural sleep-wake cycle undergoes a shift. The brain initiates the release of melatonin, a crucial hormone that governs the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.

Melatonin induces feelings of sleepiness, guiding us into a deep and restorative sleep. Yet, the intrusion of artificial blue light during nighttime from our lighting can disrupt this delicate process designed to prepare our bodies for sleep.

The presence of blue light at night suppresses melatonin production by misleading the brain into perceiving it as daytime, irrespective of the actual hour. Consequently, the brain reacts by promoting wakefulness, making it challenging to ease into a peaceful slumber.
Let us install the needed technology that will allow you to experience the relaxation from a gentle, flicker-free, and premium amber light. Helping to establish an optimal atmosphere for restfulness and unwinding. Not only does it elevate the quality and duration of your sleep, but it also effortlessly aligns with your natural sleep cycle. 

Ideal for those with children especially who find it difficult in navigating those “witching“ hour times. Take the stress out of it and help the family unwind, recover and sleep peacefully. 



We recognise the crucial role of clean, fresh water in maintaining our health and overall well-being. Utilising water filters is key to achieving this, as they effectively eliminate harmful chemicals and bacteria that, if ingested, may lead to diseases and compromised health. Filtered water offers additional advantages such as improved taste, cost-effectiveness, and environmental friendliness, making it a preferable choice over bottled water.

While the importance of drinking ample water is well-known, it's important to recognise that not all water is of the same quality. Despite water authorities regulating tap water quality, remaining vigilant is wise.

Key concerns regarding tap water often include:

Taste and odour:

Unpleasant tastes and odors may stem from factors such as chlorine, high mineral content, or decaying organic matter. Carbon filters generally address these concerns, though in some cases, a reverse osmosis purifier or ultraviolet sterilizer might be necessary for optimal results.


Chlorine, added to eradicate bacteria and pathogens, can impart an unpleasant taste and odour to drinking water. Linked to health issues like cancer and heart disease, carbon filters prove effective in reducing chlorine, improving taste, and eliminating associated odours.

Heavy Metals and Dissolved Solids:

Water supplies may contain a mix of heavy metals (aluminium, lead, arsenic, mercury) and dissolved solids (sulphates, nitrates, lime). These compounds pose health risks. A Reverse Osmosis purifier effectively reduces the presence of these contaminants for a healthier water supply.


Sediment issues commonly arise in tank or creek water supplies and aging municipal supply lines. Point-of-use purifiers with pre-filtration usually handle sediment concerns, while certain situations may require whole-house sediment reduction filters.


Light is crucial for the well-being of all living species on Earth. For humans, natural light plays a vital role in producing vitamin D and maintaining a balanced circadian rhythm. Unfortunately, in today's world, our bodies often lack adequate illumination as we spend excessive time indoors under intense artificial lighting and staring at bright screens. Insufficient exposure to the natural light spectrum can disrupt our circadian rhythm, sleep patterns, and energy levels. The good news is, there's a solution to increase exposure to beneficial light waves without major lifestyle changes or stepping outside – a method embraced by NASA scientists and astronauts - Red Light Therapy!

Red therapy, also referred to as photobiomodulation (PBM) or low-level light therapy (LLLT), stands as a natural and non-invasive cellular healing treatment. Utilizing efficient LED bulbs, it delivers a low-energy red and near-infrared (NIR) light waves, penetrating the body up to 5 - 10cm below the skin surface. While red light waves address the superficial layers, the longer wavelength NIR light targets deeper tissues such as nerves, muscles, tendons, and bone.

But how does it work?

By stimulating proteins, red light enhances energy production in human cells. This stimulation prompts mitochondria, which is also referred to as the cell's energy powerhouse, to efficiently break down nitric oxide and generate more adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell's energy currency. Optimal ATP production supports cell efficiency, enabling the body to heal and maintain health. In addition to these effects, red light waves boost blood flow, enhancing nutrient and oxygen delivery to cells throughout the body.

Health Benefits of red light therapy:

Pain and inflammation:

Red light therapy possesses the capacity to permeate the body, naturally alleviating inflammation and pain in skin, muscles, and various tissues. It enhances blood flow, promotes antioxidant activity, and reduces inflammatory markers within the body. Research indicates that red light therapy is effective in improving chronic pain symptoms and conditions, including joint pain, back pain, and neck pain.

Skin health:

Enhancing blood flow, red light therapy facilitates the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, promoting healing and reducing inflammation. It  also stimulates the cells responsible for producing collagen. Collagen, acting as the "glue" in connective tissue, provides strength and elasticity to the skin. Red light therapy contributes to firming the skin, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and overall enhancing one's appearance.

Muscle recovery:

Prior to a workout, red light therapy enhances ATP production, boosting muscle energy, performance, and extending the time to exhaustion. It also effectively warms up joints and muscles, lowering the risk of injury. Post-exercise, it promotes improved blood circulation and oxygenation in muscle tissue, preventing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and increasing muscle repair and growth.

Sleep and rest:

Incorporating a red light therapy device in the evening before bedtime can regulate your circadian rhythm, facilitating quicker sleep onset and promoting deep, restful sleep. Separating from the artificial blue light emitted by room lighting and digital screens, red light aids in the gradual winding down of the mind and body, fostering the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.


Teaming up with a top-tier sauna provider, we bring you the ultimate in infrared saunas. All that is required is a dedicated circuit, which we can seamlessly install for you. I'll handle the sauna construction to ensure a stress-free experience for you.

Health Benefits of infra red saunas:

The remarkable benefits of saunas extend beyond mere warmth. They play a pivotal role in:

  • Enhancing heart health

  • Soothing muscles by promoting blood circulation

  • Providing pain relief Inducing relaxation

  • Contributing to restful sleep

  • Recent studies also suggest that regular sauna sessions may assist in fortifying the body's immune response against diseases.



We have partnered with a market leader to install the best option that ice bathing has to offer. No plumbing required. All that is needed is a dedicated circuit which we can install for you. You can set your desired temperature, and the ice bath has a full water filtration system.

Health benefits of ice baths:

  • Ice bathing is designed to amplify the body’s natural reaction to cold stimuli, inducing a comprehensive physical and mental revitalisation.

  • Alleviates muscle soreness and diminishes inflammation

  • Aids in burning body fat.

  • Remarkably, it can elevate your dopamine levels by up to 250%, sustaining the boost for a substantial 6 hours.


Experience the transformative power of blending construction expertise with biohacking and wellness knowledge. Your home or building will evolve and become a health haven for you and your family to thrive!


Book in a building wellness consult with our team so we can take a look around your home or building and discover your personal health ailments and health needs of your space.


We design which unique offerings you need to enhance the value and functionality of your space, optimising your well-being.


This is where the construction and implementation happens, along with education. You can experience for yourself the seamless integration of wellness, construction expertise and start to feel the benefits.

Revamp your space with our expertise